1st FISHY Newsletter

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The first edition of the Newsletter includes a brief overview about the main achievements of FISHY project. The FISHY platform will be able to orchestrate a supply chain securely, from the edge and cloud infrastructure and IoT ecosystem to the networking infrastructure.SPHYNX role in the FISHY project is to build a Security Assurance & Certification Management tool that will…

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New SPHYNX products feature at the EU Innovation radar

SPHYNX has developed a set of patterns for the design, development and validation of secure, dependable and interoperable IoT and industrial IoT applications. It has also developed tools allowing the use of these patterns in IoT/IIoT applications design and runtime management. Innovator: https://www.innoradar.eu/innovator/916839248 Project website: https://www.semiotics-project.eu/

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8th SEMIoTICS Consortium Meeting

Sphynx hosting the 8th SEMIoTICS consortium meeting (7-8 July, 2020). The meeting was planned to be hosted in Limassol, Cyprus, but was moved to a virtual format due to the existing COVID-19 related travel restrictions.

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The first issue of the HOLOBALANCE newsletter is out!

The overall aim of the @HOLOBALANCE, a European funded Horizon 2020 Project, is to deliver a radically new cost-effective virtual coach, consisting of a hologram based surrogate balance physiotherapist, an augmented reality cognitive game, combined with auditory exercises and a physical activity planner. Very soon, a summary will be published with the most interesting project’s results. Meanwhile, the @HOLOBALANCE…

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