European Commission approved the launch of a Next-Generation IoT environments project, which aims at providing intelligent, autonomous and human-centered healthcare solutions. IntellIoT shall take advantage of AI and IoT technologies to remotely treat patients in an easier and faster way. The healthcare sector is going to be just the starting point, since the project would also seek to rollout IoT in other areas of interest, including but not limited to manufacturing, agricultural, and enabling technologies like the 5G, Augmented Reality, and tactile internet solutions.
Several SMEs and startups across Europe have been chosen to cooperate and consist the consortium of IntellIot, where Sphynx shall contribute by offering its Analytics Platform product in order to foster the development of humanized IoT, AI devices and systems. The kick-off announcement and all the related information about this promising and innovative project, can be found on its Medium profile page available at the following link: https://medium.com/next-generation-iot-magazine/european-commission-launches-8-million-next-generation-iot-environments-project-amid-covid-19-287ec09a9bcc