SPHYNX has been awarded a new project, called Smart Bear, to develop a big data platform offering evidence-based personalised support for Healthy and Independent living at home.
SMART BEAR will be funded by the H2020 programme and will develop an innovative platform with off-the-shelf smart and medical devices, at TRL9, to support the healthy and independent living of elderly people with five prevalent health-related conditions; notably Hearing Loss, Cardio Vascular Diseases, Cognitive Impairments, Mental Health Issues and Balance Disorders, as well as Frailty. This will be achieved through intelligent, evidenced-based interventions on lifestyle, medically-significant risk factors, and chronic disease management, enabled by the utilisation of continuous and objective medical and environment sensing, assistive technologies and big data analytics. The platform will be validated through five large scale pilots, involving five different countries and 5.000 individuals, across Europe. The total cost of the project will be in excess of 20m Euro.