CyberSANE project has been funded by the European Commission as part of its H2020 Programme under the call SU-ICT-01-2019 and topic “Dynamic countering of Cyber-attacks”. The innovative proposal presented by the CyberSANE consortium foresees the development of a system addressing both technical and cognitive challenges related to the identification, prevention and protection against attacks on critical infrastructures through collecting, compiling, processing and fusing of all individual incident-related information for ensuring the integrity and validity of Infrastructures, helping decision-makers to understand the technical aspects of an attack and draw conclusions on how to respond.
The project is coordinated by PDMFC (Portugal) and involves 15 partners from several EU-Member States with different areas of expertise to address all the development of the CyberSANE System and the proper validation of the scenarios. The partners are Atos (Spain), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy), S2 Grupo (Spain), INRIA (France), Maggioli (Italy), Ubitech (Cyprus), Institut Jozef Stefan (Slovenia), Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece), Sphynx Technology (Switzerland), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Sidroco Holdings (Cyprus), University of Brighton (UK), ValenciaPort (Spain), Lightsource Labs (Ireland), and Klinikum Nuremberg (Germany).