CyberSANE project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 program has completed the technical activities related to the integration of the CyberSANE system, an advanced, configurable and adaptable, security and privacy incident handling system that will allow European Critical Information Infrastructures (CII’s) from different sectors to improve, intensify and coordinate the overall security efforts for the effective and efficient identification of threats, and the investigation, mitigation and reporting of multi-dimensional attacks. Sphynx Technology Solutions contributes to several WPs of the project and acts as the Risk Manager, monitoring and managing all possible risks and opportunities that may arise during the lifetime of the project.
Starting 2022, CyberSANE will focus on the validation and demonstration of its system in three different domains where cyber-attacks could have a severe impact: container cargo transport; solar energy production, storage and distribution; and real-time patient monitoring and treatment. For more information please visit project’s website below and follow CyberSANE on its Twitter and LinkedIn channels: